Lactation Consultant Services
Lactation Consultant Services
15 Minute Phone Consultation Complimentary
Sometimes a girl just needs someone to talk to!! With 4 daughters of my own, I am definitely good at listening. I can help with whatever concerns you may have. Questions about postpartum care, breast fullness/engorgement, or if what baby is doing is normal. Pick up the phone and let’s talk about your concerns and come up with a plan. This service is offered at no cost to help you decide what is best for you and your baby.
Prenatal Visit $200
Did you just find out you are pregnant and have no clue where to start? We can meet to discuss a plan based on goals for you, your baby, and your family. We will also discuss breast pump options and how to obtain a pump as well as exploring prenatal class offerings that may be beneficial to you. This prenatal consult will also include text and phone support until the first week that you and baby are home. A virtual Prenatal visit option is available for a rate of $175.
Breastfeeding Class $250
Don’t want to take an online class or go out of your house? No problem, we can do one in your home! This 3 hour in home class focuses on the basics of breastfeeding by discussing anatomy, how milk production works, proper positioning, latching and alignment, how to tell if baby is getting enough to eat, pumping and when to reach out to LC for additional assistance.
Virtual Consultation $175
Still leery on leaving the house and don’t want anyone in the home but need breastfeeding support? That’s ok!! We can connect virtually and I can observe a feeding and/or pumping session and develop a plan of care.
Home Visit $250
A consultation in the comfort of your own home. I will take the health history of you and your baby, conduct an oral assessment, and record pre and post-feeding weight for the baby. A full feeding will be observed while assisting with positioning and latching. This consult also includes a pumping session to check residual breastmilk, ensure you are properly using your breast pump, and have the proper flange sizes. Additionally, we will review your plan of care and discuss resources as needed. Documentation will be sent to your pediatrician and obstetrician and I will continue to offer you virtual and telephone support for two weeks at no additional cost. Note: Not all breastfeeding issues get resolved with one visit. A subsequent visit can be scheduled at a discounted rate of $200.
Inducing Lactation Visit $350
Using a surrogate or adopting a new baby? Did you know you can produce milk without being pregnant? The earlier the interventions the better the outcome! If it is your desire to breastfeed your adopted child or the child from your surrogate; then this is for you. Price includes unlimited support prenatally.
Back to Work Visit $175
As mothers, one of the most difficult parts of having a baby is having to go back to work and leave our newborns with family, friends, or childcare. However, you can still provide milk for your baby to help build their immune system and keep them safe. It’s not perfect but it’s the next best thing. During your consult we will establish a proper pumping schedule and review specific details such as the use of your pump to maximize output, storage guidelines, and effective pump cleaning in the work environment. A virtual Back to Work visit option is available for a rate of $150.
Travel Fees (from the consultant's home as mapped) $25-$50
0-30 minutes = no fee
31-45 minutes = $25
46-60 minutes = $35
60+ minutes = $50